Census Data on U.S. Small-Size Varieties & More
1934B $5 FRNs
FP #212 Engraving Error
The 1934B $5 FRN Face Plate Engraving Error on FP #212 is an interesting error that created a unique variety in early small-size FRNs. The 1934 series used micro-size face plate numbers, which were 0.6mm high, and the 1934A series on (including 1934B) used macro-size back plate numbers, which were 1.0mm high. When the #212 front plate serial number was engraved for the New York district, it wasn't engraved at the correct size. It was smaller than the standard macro-size 1.0mm height and larger than the old micro-size or 0.6mm. It feel somewhere in between, resulting in a curious error that went unnoticed for many years.

Micro FP# (0.6mm)

FP #212 Engraving Error

Macro FP# (1.0mm)

1934B $5 FRN New York FP #212 Engraving Error
Related SPMC "Paper Money"Journal Articles
​"When Size Matters!" (requires SPMC membership)
Sept/Oct 2023 - Whole #347; pgs 372-373; Robert Calderman (Cherry Pickers Corner)
"$5 1934B New York Intermediate Size Plate Number 212"
March/April 1984 - Whole #110; pgs 87-89; Peter Huntoon
"Intermediate Size Check Numbers"
May 1974 - Whole #51; pg 117; Peter Huntoon