Census Data on U.S. Small-Size Varieties & More
SPMC "Paper Money" Journal Articles
"Paper Money"Articles Index
The SPMC (Society of Paper Money Collectors) has a wonderful index for all their "Paper Money" journals and is broken down into sub-categories, such as Small-Size notes.
SPMC Paper Money Articles Index - Small-Size
While this index is very helpful in finding articles by name or author and has links to individual articles and journals, it doesn't categorize them into topic, type, series, denomination, etc. It is also missing a number of articles relating to early small-size varieties that I found interesting. This page is a categorical breakdown of articles relating to early small-size varieties that are currently included in the Paper Money Project or will be in the future. Variety-specific articles are not included on this page but are referenced within each respective variety page.
Times & Events

"Creation of Money During the Great Depression"
March/April 2010 - Whole #266; pgs 90-120; Peter Huntoon
"$5 Note Circulation nearly doubled 1934-1941"
May/June 2011 - Whole #273; pg 217; Jamie Yakes
"Series 1929 FRBNs Released During WWII"
Jan/Feb 2019- Whole #319; pgs 4-11; Lee Lofthus, Peter Huntoon, Jamie Yakes
"The WWII Issuance of Series 1929 FRBNs"
Jan/Feb 2010- Whole #265; pgs 12-22; Peter Huntoon, Lee Lofthus
WWII Emergency Issues

"U.S. Hawaii & North Africa/Sicily Miltary Currency"
May/June 2008 - Whole #255; pgs 196-223; Peter Huntoon (with collaboration by James Downey, James Hodgson, Donald Medcalf, and James A. Simek)
"Hawaiian Series Currency" (requires SPMC membership)
Jan/Feb 2022 - Whole #337; pgs 6-23; Lee Lofthus
"Circulars Detail Regs for Handling Wartime Hawaii Notes"
July/Aug 2010 - Whole #268; pgs 276-288; Fred Reed
"Exchanging Currency in Hawaii"
Nov/Dec 1999 - Whole #204; pg 166; Bob Cochran
"Invasion & Occupation Notes, North African Yellow Seals"
Sept/Oct 2004 - Whole #233; pgs 380-383; Peter Huntoon
"Yellow Seal Notes and their various war-time functions"
Sept/Oct 1977 - Whole #71; pgs 380-383; Peter Huntoon
Design & Changes - All Notes

"The Changeover from 12 to 18-subject Plates"
July/Aug 2018 - Whole #316; pgs 220-228; Peter Huntoon, Jamie Yakes
"Treasury Signatures on United States Currency"
Sept/Oct 2013 - Whole #287; pgs 346-351; Jamie Yakes
"Origin of Macro Plate Numbers Laid to Secret Service"
July/Aug 2012 - Whole #280; pgs 294-296; Peter Huntoon
"Transition from Wide to Narrow Designs on U.S. Small Size Notes 1947-1953"
Nov/Dec 1995 - Whole #180; pgs 323-343; Peter Huntoon, James Hodgson
"Portraits and Vignettes on Modern Size Paper Currency"
Winter 1968 - Whole #25; pgs 8-10; Joseph Persichetti
Design & Changes - $5 Notes

"The Origin of the $5 Wide II Back Plate Varieties on U.S. Small Size notes"
Sept/Oct 2017 - Whole #311; pgs 349-352; Peter Huntoon
"Small Size $5 Narrow and Wide II Back Plates"
Nov/Dec 1986 - Whole #126; pgs 222-223; Peter Huntoon, James T. Lemon
Design & Changes - $10 Notes

"Enhanced Small Size $10 Master Back Plate"
May/June 2014 - Whole #291; pgs 173-175; Peter Huntoon, Jamie Yakes
Design & Changes - Silver Certificates

"Redemption Clauses on Silver Certificates"
Nov/Dec 2012 - Whole #282; pg 453; Jamie Yakes
"The Series of 1928 Design that Failed"
Sept/Oct 2007 - Whole #251; pgs 323-328; Peter Huntoon
Design & Changes - FRNs

"Seal Varieties on Series of 1928 FRNs" (requires SPMC membership)
March/April 2020 - Whole #326; pgs 122-124; Peter Huntoon
"Seal Colors on Series 1934 Federal Reserve Notes"
Jan/Feb 2009 - Whole #259; pgs 72-74; Peter Huntoon (collaboration with Jim Hodgson and Jamie Yakes)
"Small Notes: Confusion sorting FRNs (Numericals)"
May/June 2012 - Whole #279; pgs 224; Jamie Yakes
"Series of 1934B FRNs Carried New Bank Seals"
March/April 2018 - Whole #314; pgs 138-141; Jamie Yakes
Serial Numbers - All

"The Use of Obsolete Plates in Early Series Small Notes"
Spring 1967 - Whole #22; pgs 56-58; Peter Huntoon
Serial Numbers - Legal Tender

"Legal Tender Series of 1928 Non-Star Serial Number Ranges" (requires SPMC membership)
March/April 2023 - Whole #344; pgs 100-110; Peter Huntoon
"First Serials on Legal Tender 1928 United States Notes"
July/Aug 2015 - Whole #298; pgs 190-193; Jamie Yakes
Serial Numbers - FRNs

"Tying off the Star Serial numbers on Series 1934 FRNs" (requires SPMC membership)
Nov/Dec 2021 - Whole #336; pgs 426-427; Peter Huntoon, Willis Russell
"First Serial Numbers on 1934 Series Federal Reserve Notes"
July/Aug 2016 - Whole #304; pgs 284-287; Jamie Yakes
Late-Finished Plates (LFP/LFBP)

"Salvaged Plates: Late-Finished and other Exotic Plates Explained"
Nov/Dec 2013 - Whole #288; pgs 427-437; Peter Huntoon
"A Different View of Late Finished Plates Used to Print Small Size Notes"
Sept/Oct 1984 - Whole #113; pg 235; Michael Kane
"Late Finished Plated Used to Print Small Notes"
May/June 1984 - Whole #111; pgs 122-125; Peter Huntoon
Late-Finished BP #637 & Late-Use BP #629

"Extraordinary First Ten Years of Micro Back 637"
May/June 2016 - Whole #303; pgs 212-215; Jamie Yakes
"The Enduring Allure of $5 Micro Back Plates 629 & 637"
Sept/Oct 2015 - Whole #299; pgs 304-326; Peter Huntoon
"How 12-Subject Plates were Made & Why $5 Micro Back Plates were Saved"
Sept/Oct 2004 - Whole #233; pgs 323-335; Peter Huntoon
Nov/Dec 1997 - Whole #192; pgs 179-190; Peter Huntoon
Sept/Oct 1983 - Whole #107; pgs 205-212; Peter Huntoon
"New Data on $5 Back Plates 629 and 637 and Their Mules"
March/April 1982 - Whole #98; pgs 56-59; Peter Huntoon

"Distribution to Fed Banks of 1928 XYZ $1 Experimental Notes" (requires SPMC membership)
Sept/Oct 2022 - Whole #341; pgs 376-377; Jamie Yakes
"Small Notes - R & S 1935A Experimentals"
Nov/Dec 2018 - Whole #318; pgs 431-445; Jamie Yakes
"Titanium Dioxide $1 Experimentals"
Sept/Oct 2014 - Whole #293; pgs 346-347; Jamie Yakes
"Experimental X-Y-Z Series of 1928 $1 Silver Certificates"
Nov/Dec 2013 - Whole #288; pgs 466-476; Jamie Yakes
"Release of $1 Series of 1935A R&S Experimentals"
July/Aug 2012 - Whole #280; pgs 312-315; Peter Huntoon