Census Data on U.S. Small-Size Varieties & More
The 1928 $2 Legal Tender notes were printed in eight different series, 1928 to 1928G, and encompassed five different blocks, A-A to E-A, plus Stars. This series offered a number of tough and very rare notes to collect. Some of these tough varieties include Mules with macro backplates, a tough regular Non-Mule block (1928D B-A Block) printed when micro backplates were heavily used, a newly discovered and currently unique Mule block with micro backplates (1928D D-A Block), and some of the toughest small-size Star notes.
The table below shows the blocks in which each series was printed, and the total number of notes it would take to complete a full series block set (without rare/scarce varieties).
During the Great Depression, there was a change made to the obligation (and inner border) printed on the 1928C series plates from the original obligation seen on the 1928, 1928A, and 1928B series plates. Since this change was done on the new 1928C series plates, it didn't create any varieties. Otherwise, the main design didn't change throughout the eight 1928x series. More information on the Legal Tender obligation change and other changes made during the Great Depression.
1928-1928B Series
1928C-1928G Series
This series also had Mule varieties printed over two different series, 1928C and 1928D. A "Mule" is created when a note is printed with an older micro-sized plate serial number on one side and a macro-sized plate serial number on the other. A Mule is not specific to Legal Tender or the $2 denomination... any note with a macro-sized plate number (newer) on one side and a micro-sized plate number (older) on the other creates a Mule.
Micro-size face plate serial numbers were used for the 1928, 1928A,1928B, and 1928C series (up to FP #181) $2 Legal Tender along with their corresponding backs with micro-size plate serial numbers (BP #288 and lower). With the 1928D series, there was a change to a macro-size plate serial number for the face (FPs #182-401), and a change had already been made producing macro-size plate number back plates (BP #289 and higher) as well. 1928C series Mules are created when a 1928C face plate (micro-size) was mated to a sheet printed with a newer macro-size BP. And the opposite is true for 1928D series Mules, in which a 1928D face plate (macro-size) was mated to a sheet printed with an older micro-sized BP.
Face Plate
Face Plate
Back Plate
Macro-size Back Plate
Related SPMC "Paper Money" Journal Articles
"Legal Tender Series of 1928 Non-Star Serial Number Ranges" (requires SPMC membership)
March/April 2023 - Whole #344; pgs 100-110; Peter Huntoon
"First Serials on Legal Tender 1928 United States Notes"
July/Aug 2015 - Whole #298; pgs 190-193; Jamie Yakes
Articles covering Census Project varieties are linked on their separate pages
$2 Legal Tender Census Projects
This project is currently only focused on the notes listed below, but may expand to cover others in the future.